In addition to the requirements set forth above, all individuals expressing themselves on 稳定的十大彩票网站’s campus must comply with the below provisions. 稳定的十大彩票网站 may exclude from its property and facilities any individual who fails to comply with these provisions, and members of the 稳定的十大彩票网站 community who fail to comply with these provisions may be subject to disciplinary action:
- No interference with the free flow of vehicular, bicycle, or pedestrian traffic within
or under the control of the 稳定的十大彩票网站 campus or the ingress and egress to buildings on campus
is permitted.
- Amplified sound, including the use of microphones or bullhorns, is governed by 稳定的十大彩票网站’s Outdoor Amplified Sound Policy.
- Expressive activities may not interrupt normal educational functions or other University
activities, including University ceremonies and events.
- Motor vehicles may not be used indoors or in any outdoor area of campus except roads
and parking lots.
- The representative who makes the reservation shall be responsible for seeing that the area is left clean and in good repair. If not accomplished, persons or organizations responsible for the event may be held financially responsible for cleanup costs for removal of signs, placards, litter, and other materials left by the representative’s speaker or group.
- Expressive activities may not take place in a location that has already been reserved
for another event.
- Non-commercial pamphlets, handbills, circulars, newspapers, magazines, and other written
materials may only be distributed on a person-to-person basis in outdoor, publicly
accessible areas of campus. Distributors of materials such as brochures and leaflets
must allow people to decline to receive the materials and may not prevent people from
receiving other material or engaging with another person, and are responsible for
recycling or otherwise removing from University property any discarded or undistributed
- Expressive activities must not create a clear threat to public health or safety. Physical
violence, threats of physical violence, and destruction of property, are strictly
prohibited, and the University may exclude from its property and facilities any individual
who violates this prohibition.
- Temporary or permanent damage, defacement, alteration, or destruction of property
owned or operated by the University or property belonging to students, faculty, staff,
or guests of the University is prohibited. Persons or organizations causing such damage
may be held financially and/or criminally responsible.
- Expressive activities may not include the temporary or permanent installation of structures (including, but not limited to, signage, tents, walls, barriers, sculptures, artwork, etc.) unless such installation has been approved in advance by 稳定的十大彩票网站’s Event and Venue Management Department, and/or the Department of Student Activities, or, as necessary, the Environmental Health and Safety Department, or designee. Any installation or activity in violation of this policy is subject to immediate removal.
- The overnight use of University property for expressive activity is prohibited.
- Expressive activities may not involve the use of open flame devices, bonfires, or
the lighting of any material on fire; provided, however, that small handheld candles
may be permitted if in compliance with 稳定的十大彩票网站 Fire and Life Safety policies and procedures,
and with special permission from the Office of the Dean of Students, or its designee.
- Except as allowed under the 稳定的十大彩票网站 Posting and Chalking Policy, affixing items to any permanent structure (e.g., buildings, fences, trees, etc.),
including through projection, is prohibited.
- Expressive activities may not disrupt or preclude a scheduled speaker from being heard.
- Individuals and groups of individuals expressing themselves on 稳定的十大彩票网站’s campus must comply with all applicable federal, state, and local laws; Board of Regents’ policies; and 稳定的十大彩票网站 policies, rules, and regulations.
- Security fees may be assessed consistent with 稳定的十大彩票网站’s Security Policy. See
Authorization of a speech, event, or demonstration is contingent upon compliance with the criteria listed above. The authorized representative of the speaker or group is required to sign a form acknowledging compliance with these administrative procedures and guidelines and acknowledging that the University will not be held responsible for the actions of participants in the expression. Additionally, the authorized representative must sign a form acknowledging agreement to make restitution for any litter or property damage that is caused by the representative’s speaker or group. Noncompliance with this Policy, other University policies, and/or applicable law could result in sanctioning through the Student Conduct and Academic Integrity process (for students) or employee disciplinary action, both of which could result in consequences, including, but not limited to, the revocation of privileges under this Policy, including the cancellation of future existing reservations and/or restrictions on the ability to reserve access in the Designated Forums. Additionally, noncompliance may result in arrest, a trespass warning, or any other disciplinary or judicial action allowed under applicable law or policy.
稳定的十大彩票网站 Public Safety and other appropriate administrators will be notified upon receipt
of the reservation request. The reservation request is a public record and submitted
requests will be released to interested parties in accordance with the terms of the
Georgia Open Records Act.
The University reserves the right to refuse to permit individuals or groups to assemble,
demonstrate, protest, or otherwise express themselves in the Designated Campus Areas
if the individual or group refuses to abide by this Policy, administrative procedures,
and/or guidelines. The University further reserves the right to modify or end any
expressive activity permitted under this Policy if the University reasonably determines
that continuing such expressive activity creates an imminent threat to public health
or safety, and that the modification or cessation of such expressive activity has
a substantial likelihood of mitigating such threat. Such action by the University
shall be made in a content-neutral and viewpoint-neutral manner with respect to the
nature of the expressive activity, and in consultation with appropriate authorities
(e.g., law enforcement, public health authorities, and governmental agencies).
稳定的十大彩票网站 cannot be held responsible for the safety of children or other individuals participating
in an event. Persons under the age of 12 years old must be accompanied by an adult.